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maxman 2 capsule
maxman 2 capsule

Maxman 2 Capsule For Male is designed especially for men who wish to enhance sexual pleasure, libido, erection, stamina,orgasms,climaxes.
Maxman 2 Caspules contains 100% natural herbal ingredients, you can still energetic and full of vigor after sex and make penis bigger and thicker.
maxman capsules 2 is an good sex product which could create sex satisfaction and performance and  absolutely no side effects.

* Enlarge your penis in width and length.
* Stronger and harder erections.
* Achieve rock hard erections any time you want.
* Form a truly "muscular" looking penis that will impress and arouse your lover.
* More powerful orgasms.
* Increased sexual stamina.
* Achieve more powerful thrusting ability.
* Last as long as you want without drugs.
* Safe and natural penis enlargement.

Epimedium Saggitatum; Avena Sateva; Saw Palmetto; Guarana Extract; L-Taurine; Tribulus Terrestris; Maca; Ginseng Blend ( korean / siberian);

[How to use]:
1. Simply take MaxMan II Capsules 2 times per day, 1-2 with each meal for MaxMan 2 Capsules.Do not exceed 6 per day. Make sure you take each time our MaxMan 2 Capsules with a tall glass of water. The herbs need to be hydrated into your system to receive the best penis enhancement results. As with all dietary supplements, do not take in excess of the recommended dosage.
2. Take Maxman II capsules about 30-50 minutes before sexual activity, It will give you more pleasure during sexual activity than you have imagined!

[Specification] 60 capsules/bottle

1. Cant be eager for quick result as well as surpass the product.
2. Drink a number of cool h2o if you suffer frequent erectile or even too much time erection.
3. Do not take on over One particular pill inside One day

Maxman 2 capsule is to be kept in its original container. It is to be stored at room temperature between 59 and 86 degrees F (15-30 degrees C) away from moisture, heat and light and out of the reach of children.
[Manufacture]: Tibet edge biotechnology Co.,Ltd.


Call for Order:+8801824856141


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